Monday, October 8, 2012

Disappointment. Its in my vocab.

Today was the day of truth.
The day to find out if I will be a mommy in 9 months.
I was so excited. But no |+| sign for me. I got a big fat evil |-| :'(
Ovulation or no ovulation. No baby for me this month . . .
I'm heartbroken. I'm crushed. I'm so sad. I was so hopeful. . .
Today is not a good day.
Please excuse me while I go cry in the corner.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Progesterone level

So, Friday September 28th was my 21st day on my second round of Clomid. So it was time for my blood draw to test my progesterone. Yikes.

Skip ahead to 10/3/12 per my Drs. office my level was 16.5! Yay! She said I ovulated!!! How exciting! But totally scary at the same time! They say anything over 15 is good if medicated. So, whew. I’m 1.5 over. I don’t know how I’ll feel if this round doesn’t result in a baby. I’m just overjoyed that my body is reacting positively to the treatment. And the waiting game begins. Period …or no period. Fingers crossed for no period and positive pregnancy tests!!!!

Im so excited! I feel like for once in my life I am truely one step closer to being a mommy. ^-^ That feeling is amazing. I am a ball of nerves. I pray that this works. Please oh please hear my prayers. . .