Thursday, November 29, 2012

My shower thoughts

Ever been in the shower and you hear noises outside of the bathroom? Your heart races along with your mind and you find yourself thinking "someone broke into my house, is killing my family, stealing all our stuff, they're going to find me, rape me, kill me, and I'm going to have to fight them naked." And at that moment you accept the challenge. You look around you to find a weapon ...soap? ...razor? ...towel? ...nothing in here so your mind moves outside of the shower and think ...curling iron? ...hamper? Why do I not keep weapons in the bathroom for when situations like this arise!!??
You start imagining that maybe just maybe if you run out of there naked, you may startle the robber/killers and make it out alive. You never know! But isn't it funny how you just accept 'shit is about to go down and I just may loose my life in this battle. . . Naked'.
I love how my thought process is! I'm so imaginative!

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